Advisory Board
The Centre for the Business and Economics of Health (CBEH) is aided by an Advisory Board to maintain our line of sight to stakeholder needs. Our Advisory Board provides independent advice, facilitates engagement with the health sector and the community, and ensures the Centre’s research agenda is informed by system and end-user needs.
We are grateful for the support of our Advisory Board members:
- Greg Monteith (Chair), Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences, UQ
- Maree Knight, Director, Innovation, Mater Queensland
- Nadia Levin, Chief Executive Officer, Research Australia
- John Prins, Executive Director, Health Translation Queensland
- Sharon Sweeney, Executive Manager, Aged and Community Care System Improvement, Brisbane North Primary Health Network
- Paul Taylor, Head of Australian Equities, Fidelity International and Chair of the Dean’s Society at UQ for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law
- John Upham, Executive Director, Metro South Research
- Julie White, Executive Director, Health Innovation & Research, Queensland Health