About the online seminar

Date & Time: Thursday 2 July 2020, 10-11.30am

Chair: Professor Brenda Gannon

This webinar will provide an introduction to the research of the Economics of Women's Health that has recently commenced with the NHMRC CRE WaND (Women and Non-Communicable Diseases). It will focus on research that analyses the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women's Health, focusing on the applications underpinned by health economics theory. The event will be the first of many future webinars and seminars in the Economics of Women's Health.

Seminar schedule



Chairperson – Professor Brenda Gannon (School of Economics and Centre for the Business and Economics of Health (CBEH), University of Queensland)



Resource use implications of NCDs for women

Presenter – Danusha Jayawardana (CBEH, University of Queensland)



The rise and fall in out-of-pocket costs in Australia: An analysis of the Strengthening Medicare reforms

Presenter – Professor Kees Van Gool (Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation (CHERE), University of Technology Sydney)



Do access, quality and cost of general practice affect emergency department use?

Presenter – Dr. Anton Pak (Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine (AITHM), James Cook University)



Effects of Consumer Directed Care on population health: The Australian case

Presenter – Michelle Tran (School of Economics and CBEH, University of Queensland)





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