Evaluation of PBAC Submissions
Making decisions to fund novel medicines via the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) is challenging and complex. As health technologies advance, the Australian Government needs to rely on high-quality independent evidence to support new medicines and update existing listings.
Australia is highly regarded for its rigorous and efficient health technology evaluation system, and the Centre for the Business and Economics of Health (CBEH) is part of this. Our Health Technology Assessment team provides expertise in health economics, epidemiology, and critical reviewing to appraise submissions from pharmaceutical companies seeking government subsidy of a pharmaceutical or vaccine through listing on the PBS. In collaboration with the UQ Centre for Health Services Research, our work assists the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) to provide informed and objective advice in the interests of better health.
Project members
Our CBEH team
Associate Professor Haitham Tuffaha
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Research Fellow
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Research Fellow
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Research Assistant
Centre for the Business and Economics of Health
Our collaborators
The University of Queensland Evaluation Services Team (QuEST) delivers this service and is co-led by Associate Professor Haitham Tuffaha from CBEH and Associate Professor Tracy Comans from the Centre for Health Services Research.